We Make Your Tenants happy And You Get Paid For That

Scan2Book is a web of registration services working closely with local Tourism Operators and Providers. Our system is customized to each country and region and accessible only through the network of QR Code Displays.

Easy Access for Everyone
Adding Significant Value to Your Services
# Booking Operators
How about details?
Supporting Tourism Operators by generating income in the way never seen before

We specialize in very last minute reservations with wider scope of booking targets than usual online booking systems does. Very comfortable booking process, without forcing Tourists to disclose credit cards, or residency address, bringing additional trust to the way we designed Scan2Book

Easy Access for Everyone
Adding Significant Value to Your Services
# Booking Providers
How about details?
Enhancing Tourism Providers Business by Adding to Their Assets Booking Agency Features

In-room reservation system, with use of combination of advanced IT solutions and smart local management, allowing business owners, add to usual revenue a significant value. In addition, it improves customer experience, what shall translate to positive feedback. and returning clients

Easy Access for Everyone
Adding Significant Value to Your Services
# How it Works?
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Easy Booking Process and Exceptional Direct Interaction

All of the large online booking providers are known for the complexity of their reservations. The reason is centralized systems and administration. Scan2Book work locally. We dealing with booking operators and providers directly, helping in acquiring new customers and boosting their revenue with our innovative cross-booking system.

# Access
Scan2Book is available only via local QR Code Displays

We working online of course, but because we supporting local tourism, we have to customize our system and QR Code displays to specific country and region. Depending on local tourism attractions and variance of Booking Providers offers, we adjusting reservations items accordingly

Want to know more? Drop us an email:
General enquires: info@scan2book.com

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